WAHS Students Stay Connected Through “Quarantine Madness”
Credit: Kimball Sheehan
May 7, 2020
Amber Parker decided to create an Instagram account for quarantine games. Since everyone has been so bored being quarantined at their houses, she created this account to bring people together and play various games.
“I made the account because I was bored one night,” she said. “I made a bracket for fruit because I was missing the March Madness bracket. People really seemed to like the first one, so I kept making more.”
So far the games are just brackets. She posts slides on her story where anyone can vote for their favorite item. The bracket themes are unique and fun. Everyone is welcome to participate. The themes for the brackets have been fruit, TV shows, bread, pasta, and Cville restaurants. Strawberries, The Office, bagels, tortellini, and Bodo’s won their select brackets.
Amber says, “My favorite bracket would probably be the Cville Restaurants one because everyone knows them, and I love food and restaurants.”
She has more ideas for brackets including musical artists and vegetables, and she is very open to any ideas that her followers may have.
Junior Caroline Jones said, “The quarantine games account gives me something to do and lets me have some sort of interaction with other people because we vote on our favorite things. It’s also really entertaining.”
If this sounds appealing to you, feel free to follow Amber at @quarantinegamesss.