Wigs For Warriors Hits Its 4th Year

Madeleine Andrews, Editor in Chief

With scissors in hands and ponytails tied tight, volunteers from every grade stepped up to participate in the fourth annual Wigs for Warriors event. A record number of 43 people donated at least eight inches of their hair to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths, helping provide free wigs for those who are battling cancer. This year’s Wigs for Warriors was hosted in honor of junior Madison Williams, who has been battling cancer since her diagnosis earlier in the school year.

Before the cutting began, senior Chandler Williams spoke on behalf of her sister to convey how important and incredible the selfless donations from volunteers are to those fighting cancer.

“For women battling cancer, the sacrifice doesn’t come as easy and as willing as your donation. In a time where woman feel as though they are stripped of their freedom due to the great change that accompanies a cancer diagnosis, losing your hair is another blow to confidence and determination. Your sacrifice enables those who are fighting cancer to have a sense of normalcy and peace in a time of hardship mentally and physically,” said Williams.

As the honoree of last year’s Wigs for Warriors event, Office Associate and cancer survivor Lorita Yancey spoke with immense gratitude towards the Western family and the support it continues to provide. Yancey emphasized the powerful influence of the event:
“Because you, all of you, so quickly embraced changing your appearance, I was empowered to cope with the sudden change of my own.”
During the whole duration of lunch, four waves of students and faculty sat facing the crowd as the cutting began. Jaws dropped, and smiles appeared when volunteers placed their ponytails into gallon sized bags for donation. Afterwards, CATEC students in the cosmetology school swept in with scissors to clean up the choppy haircuts.

Many of the donors felt nervous as they handed over scissors to their eager friends. Senior Madison Stone had concerns about trusting her own sister to cut her hair, but declared, “…since I’m so close to Chandler and Madison I think it’s for a good cause and it’s worth it.”

Six leadership students, Indigo Witt, Abby Boitnott, Dana Raphael, Mahdin Hossain, Kella Meier, and Parker Elliot, started planning Wigs for Warriors back in February. Hossain remarked about how happy he was to be a part of planning this event, which he has wanted to help orchestrate since his freshman year. Due to the new location in the cafeteria, a large portion of the student body was able to observe the most successful Wigs for Warriors yet.

The end of Yancey’s speech puts the overwhelming, charitable atmosphere into words. “I’m here today to thank all of you, both students and faculty, for your unselfishness and compassion to help others by cutting your hair. The pure joy and goodness that fills this room is amazing. You will make a positive impact. You have made a positive impact. There is strength in numbers, so today we unite to empower Madison as she continues on her journey.”