WAHS Pilots New Psych Class

Hoza starts Psychology Applications and Research class.

Valerie Hajek, Staff Writer

This year, a number of students have been given the opportunity to participate in the new psychology class, Psychology Applications and Research.

AP Psychology is a prerequisite for this new class that focuses on experimentation. Students are now able to observe research, take surveys, and report data.

“This class is an opportunity to play psychologist and for students’ curiosity to roam free,” Psychology teacher, Lani Hoza explained.

Full of hands-on experiments and collaborative group work, many of the students in this class are having  fun with the course curriculum that differs from AP Psych.

Senior Emily Senesac said, “When you’re a super secret agent and you’re training, that’s AP Psych, but then when you’re sent into the field, that’s this class, Psych Applications and Research.”

This class is project-based and the students use what they already know to investigate new ideas.

For their first project, the class surveyed students in different grades about issues that the class was interested in, like technology and the library. Groups then presented their results to the class through colorful graphs and an oral presentation.