ACE Team Dominates Competition
Credit: Patrick Andrews
Starter Eric Xu calculates his stats at the New Kent tournament after the team won first place.
February 13, 2014
How high will they climb? Ranked forth in the nation, Western Albemarle ACE team is proving they’re ready to play with the top. Led by seniors Angela Li, Zachary Mandell, and junior Eric Xu, the Western ACE team is storming the scholastic bowl stage, setting a whole new standard for competitors in Virginia.
Competing at such a high level requires a load of practice. “ACE team questions can range from Lady Gaga’s last outfit to different Russian czars,” said freshman Matt Mandell. “You have to be pretty well rounded.”
The team practices every Monday after school with seventh grade history teacher Eric Strzepek, where he reads off questions one could expect to encounter at an average competition. Next weekend the team will be competing for the title of state champions. The starters for the squad involve Angela, Eric, and juniors Patrick Andrews, Sam Lesemann and Kelly Missett.