
Credit: Harrison Miracle

Sheila McQuade

One new teacher at WAHS is Sheila McQuade, who teaches English, Environmental Literature, and Law & Policy. McQuade grew up in Virginia and moved to Illinois to attend college and teach at West Aurora High School, but now she’s back to her home state and teaching the warriors! 


Where did you go to college?

Undergrad: Providence College, Providence RI

Teacher Certification and Master’s: North Central College, Naperville, IL


In school, what was your favorite class?

My favorite class was always English!


Did you play any sports in high school or college?

I played some intramural soccer and softball in college. I do love to exercise—kickboxing, spinning, strength training, running…you name it.


Do you enjoy the sportiness of the Western community?

Sure! I’m looking forward to attending different sporting events, for sure.


What do you think about being back in school versus teaching online?

I honestly can’t express how happy I am to be back in the classroom. I hope I never have to Zoom again!


What events, in your class or the whole school, are you most looking forward to in the school year?

I’m very excited to experience Spirit Week here at Western! I’m also excited to help my Env. Lit. students with their capstone projects and to watch them present their projects to parents and community members in the spring.


What is the best piece of advice that you would give to your students in the coming school year?

Prioritize the joy of learning over grades. Seriously, keep an open mind, be curious, practice skills as necessary, and great grades will naturally follow!

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