Review: ‘Invincible’

June 10, 2021
Another Robert Kirkman comic series came to the screen this year with Amazon Prime Video’s “Invincible”, and similar to Kirkman’s “The Walking Dead,” its debut has not disappointed. With the first episode closing in a wild turn, the action ceases to let up and the suspense increases exponentially as the episodes go on. Kirkman defies typical tropes of superhero movies in a unique and intriguing way, in creating a world that’s much more realistically violent and dark to what a superhero movie should be, yet shying away from corny brutality that exists solely for the sake of gore. What primarily sets “Invincible” apart from other 2021 releases is its incredibly unique and deceiving plotline, with deep mystery surrounding “Invincible”’s father Omniman throughout all eight episodes and a climactic ending that leaves you more curious than ever.
Aside from the story itself, “Invincible”’s production was some of the greatest for an animated show I’ve ever seen. The amazing performance done by the voice actors, namely J.K Simmons, Sandra Oh, and Steven Yeun, was some of the most authentic and clear voicing I’ve ever heard, and heavily amplified the intensity of the story. Along with that, the animation takes the unique American “King of the Hill”- style cartoon and enhances it with much cleaner and more vibrant artwork. From vividly gory fight sequences to beautifully designed landscapes, all tied together with impressively smooth frames, “Invincible” presents some of the greatest visuals of an animated work in 2021. With the renewal of two seasons to come, season two arriving in 2022, and as someone who is unfamiliar with the comics, I can hardly wait to see what’s in store. With only eight episodes, “Invincible” has still managed to capture my interest entirely and will certainly only go up from here.