Seniors To Graduate – in Person
Ceremonies to be held June 4 & 5
Credit: Rachael Pond
June 4, 2021
Tonight, WAHS will hold the first of two graduation ceremonies this weekend. In order to hold in-person graduation while also maintaining social distancing precautions, administration split the celebration, with half the class graduating tonight, and the other half Saturday morning. Graduates are allowed a few spectators to attend, which will be spread out in ‘pods’ on either side of the stadium.
Teresa Tyler, the assistant principal at WAHS, explained the plans. “Each graduate will receive a certain number of tickets for family and guests,” she said. “The number is at least 4 tickets. Seats will be in family pods throughout both sides of the stadiums. Seniors can attend both ceremonies if they want to watch their friends graduate.”
Many of the graduating seniors are glad that they have two ceremonies this year. It gives them the option to attend both to watch their friends get their diplomas in a designated student-section.
“I was a little disappointed when they said they were going to split it up- but I get it,” said Caroline Jones, a graduating senior. “I think it’ll be fun, especially since we can go to both because we have our own section to watch other people.”
“I think that the two graduation ceremonies is the best outcome we could’ve had,” senior Baylee Hughes said. “I’m very excited to be with my whole class and it makes me very happy that we will be at WAHS for our graduation.”
Last year, the Seniors could only have an “individual graduation,” which is still available to students concerned about coronavirus this year.
“I didn’t opt for individual graduation,” said Natalie Farris, a soon to be alumna of WAHS. “I opted for the Friday, June 4th ceremony at night. I do have high hopes for this year’s graduation ceremony, even though it will be masked and distanced,” she said. “I have a lot of family members coming who have never seen my school before.”
The graduations will be held tonight at 8 PM and Saturday at 10 AM. If there’s rain, Tyler said, “the makeup dates are 24 hours after the original time–so Friday’s makeup date is Saturday at 8:00pm. Saturday’s makeup date is Sunday at 10:00am. The ceremonies will also be livestreamed.”