Peer Tutoring at WAHS
Credit: Lily Marcel
Cole Ruoto tutors another student as part of peer tutoring.
March 13, 2020
Peer Tutoring is a new program here at WAHS, but not for Albemarle County. Albemarle High School has offered a Peer Tutoring class for a couple of years now and due to the success of the program, Western integrated the program into student’s inventory. The tutors are students grades 10 through 12.
This program is beneficial to both students and teachers because the students can get help from people that have taken or are taking the same classes as them. It will also limit the amount of students having to go in during CARE, or other times teachers make available for their students.
Teachers are able to refer students they feel will benefit from a peer tutor. This can help the students who are confused on a topic they are learning in class to get help with a different point of view. Students tend to also feel more comfortable with someone who they already know helping them because their peers have a better chance of knowing them better than the teacher knows them.
The things these tutors can help you with is endless. While they can help you with your core classes and electives, they can also help you with organization and study skills.
As the Peer Tutoring teacher, Ms. Patel said, “What’s important about study skills is you can be in class and learn content but sometimes struggle on your own when studying. Study skills that are effective and efficient can help a lot with this. Students may also be using the wrong method for studying for exams. Organization is huge because if you are losing assignments and can’t find resources to help you study, you won’t do well in your classes and your grade can go down because of that.”
There is almost always a peer tutor in the Learning Center (C103) before school and during CARE. Some tutors are also in the Learning Center during their study hall. During 1A and 2A, you can find peer tutors in the Peer Tutoring Center in the Library.