Twin-terviews Expose Pros and Cons of Twin Life
Credit: Natalie Raab
April 9, 2019
Zach Farmer
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“I’d be bored a lot more.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
What’s the longest you have been away away from each other?
“A week for basketball camp.”
Are you friends/do you get along?
“Not really.”
Would you rather not be a twin?
“Yeah. I don’t like being a twin because he’s annoying.”
Do you have the same friends?
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“The best this is that you always have something to do but the worst is that you have to share everything with them.”
Lucas Farmer
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“I would be a lot more bored.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
Are you friends/do you get along?
“No, not really. Sometimes.”
Would you rather not be a twin?
“Yeah, probably because of him.”
Do you have the same friends?
“Mostly, yeah.”
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“Best [you] always have something to do stuff with and worst is there is a lot of fighting.”
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“It would be so different. It’s nice having a built in friend. You can also relate to teachers and stuff.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
“No not really but if he is upset I can tell.”
What’s the longest you have been away away from each other?
“A week for different summer camps.”
Are you friends/do you get along?
Would you rather not be a twin?
“I’d rather be a twin because it’s nice having someone to talk to.”
Do you have the same friends?
“Not really but I respect his friends.”
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“A lot of times he’s in a lot of the same classes that I am in, so he asks for help on homework. The best is we both run, so we can support each other.”
Does having a twin make you more competitive?
“It’s nice that we’re fraternal twins so it’s not as competitive.”
Joseph Taylor
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“I wouldn’t have someone to hang out with at much at home and work with on home work and projects.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
What’s the longest you have been away away from each other?
“Maybe a little over a week for different camps.”
Are you friends/do you get along?
“Mostly yeah.”
Would you rather not be a twin?
“I’d rather be a twin because it’s kinda like a built in friend.”
Do you have the same friends?
“Decently similar. We both run cross country.”
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“Best part probable be hanging out with each other, helping each other out and the worst part I mean her grades are a little better than mine.”
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“We’d just be like a regular person. I wouldn’t be mistaken for my twin.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
“No, we do not.”
What’s the longest you have been away away from each other?
“Probably a week.”
Are you friends/do you get along?
“Most of the time”
Would you rather not be a twin?
“I would. It’s annoying because people treat you like you’re the same person. If Will does something wrong, then I get in trouble too.”
Do you have the same friends?
“Mostly, yeah.”
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“You always have a friend and people mix you up a lot.”
How do people tell you apart?
“My hair is shorter and I have a shorter name.”
Will Stalfort
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“I feel like it wouldn’t be too much different.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
“No, we do not, unfortunately.”
What’s the longest you have been away away from each other?
“Probably a week.”
Are you friends/do you get along?
“Yeah, we get along.”
Would you rather not be a twin?
“That’s a hard question. I’d say there are up and downs, I think I’d have to think about it a little bit more, but maybe. I’d look into the idea. I’m leaning towards yes.”
Do you have the same friends?
“Yeah, more or less.”
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“Best thing is having someone in class that you know it’s helpful for school and the worst part is that you get grouped together as one person.”
How do people tell you apart?
“I have a longer hair and the longer name.”
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“You always have a friend with you.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
“No but I wish.”
What’s the longest you have been away away from each other?
“Five days.”
Are you friends/do you get along?
“We are very close and get along well.”
Would you rather not be a twin?
“No I love being a twin.”
Do you have the same friends?
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“Best: always having someone with you. I love playing the same sport as her because we can also work together! worst: always being compared with one another or sometimes categorized as one.”
How do people tell you apart?
“We don’t look alike and have very different personalities.”
Katrine Berg
How do you think your life is different with a twin?
“I always have someone to be around me wherever I go and someone to talk to if I need anything.”
Do you have twin telepathy?
What’s the longest you have been away away from each other?
“4 days, Julia went to New York for Indoor Track Nationals.”
Are you friends/do you get along?
“Yes, we get along. We do bicker occasionally about small things but get over it quickly. All in all, we are good friends.”
Would you rather not be a twin?
“No, I like being a twin.”
Do you have the same friends?
“Yes we have the same friends, Some friends one is closer with than the other but we all have the same friends overall”
What’s the best and worst thing about being a twin?
“That we are compared a lot and are not really seen as individuals sometimes. I also think that we need to become less dependent on each other.”
How do people tell you apart?
“Julia has longer, blonder hair and is a little taller.”