Has Christmas Become Too Corporate?

Will Jackson, Staff Writer

The phrase “Hallmark holiday”, named for the Hallmark greeting card corporation, refers to certain celebrations (e.g. Secretary’s Day, Boss’ Day, etc.) that claim to celebrate certain groups in America but are mostly an excuse for companies to sell greeting cards and gifts.

Christmas would appear to not fall under this banner, being a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ (with a few pagan aspects thrown in), not a corporate invention. In modern society, however, the distinction between the two seems to have all but disintegrated.

The erosion of the religious ideals behind the holiday in favor of a consumerist, commercial event is a disturbing trend happening in many holidays. Easter, surprisingly the more important Christian holiday, is now symbolized by the Easter Bunny. The anthropomorphic egg delivery-rabbit actually originated in German communities and joined many immigrants on their trek to America and was commercialized beyond reason. What was originally an obscure tradition is now the main focus of the Easter celebration.

Christmas is now an excuse for toy makers and other companies to go all-out on advertising during the two months leading up to the holiday. It is important to consider the theme of the original Grinch cartoon, paraphrased here. “Christmas doesn’t come from stores.” The religious side of the holiday is one aspect, sure, but considering those who may just enjoy the celebratory aspects, the holiday’s focus on giving (not buying) and spending time with family should take precedence over revenue.