High Praise for Once Upon a Mattress
Credit: Jacob Chang-Rascal
Stuart Schill (Sir Harry) and Ryann Sheehy (Lady Larken) sing a duet at the beginning of the musical.
March 28, 2017
Once Upon a Mattress had four successful shows throughout Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last week. Those working on the musical included actors, singers, musicians, and technical theatre students. The shows were dedicated to Mr.Betthauser, and donations were taken towards a new scholarship in his name for students pursuing arts and music in college.
Erin Nelson, a junior, was part of the ensemble. Erin did a lot of work on the set. “It was fun to do something less known,” she said.
Arina Bratkovska, a sophomore and student choreographer, was sad after the last showing of Once Upon a Mattress. “You get so used to seeing these people every day after school and sharing the same experience with them that you really do feel like a family,” Arina explained. After the musical ended, the cast had an after party, where the seniors gave out ‘paper plate awards’. “We had so many compliments and good feedback from the audience. The audience loved the show and some even said that this musical was the best one that Western has ever done!”