Stampede! Drama Department Unveils Fall Play, Rhinoceros
November 17, 2016
Ms. Pitts, the drama director, was inspired to put on the play Rhinoceros this fall after reading the play multiple times and seeing the performance live at UVA. The WAHS drama department has been practicing since early September, meeting every day after school. Since the auditions were school-wide, only half of the cast is in drama classes at Western. The technical theater class is also contributing to the play by working on the lighting, sound effects, props, and costumes.
Rhinoceros is a symbolical play about a little town in France where all of the inhabitants turn into rhinoceroses, except for one man named Berenger, who has morals and is pure of heart. The story carries an overarching metaphor representing the rise of Hitler’s regime, that ultimately became the Nazi party. It was written by the Romanian-French playwright, Eugéne Ionesco, as his post-World War II response to the fascism in Europe at the time.
“It’s the hardest play we’ve ever done, and it’s probably the most interesting,” said Ms. Pitts, describing the effort the actors have put in to make the play come together.
The lead of the play, Berenger, is played by freshman Henry Davies. Berenger’s love interest in the play is a woman named Daisy, played by junior Chloe Horner.
“She looks like the classic, typeset love interest,” said Chloe, “but deep down she’s really actually very manipulative.”
The performances are Thursday, November 17th at 7:30pm; Friday, November 18th at 6:30pm; and Saturday, November 19th at 7:30pm, in the auditorium. Tickets will be sold at the door each evening. Regular admission tickets will be $8, while student tickets are $5.