Coffman Legacy Carries On

Gabrielle Eng, Staff Writer

Elisabeth Coffman is well versed in basketball. She has been playing for as long as she can remember, and her debut on the high school team was as an eighth grader. Coffman played starting point guard on the JV and 9th grade teams.

Her three older siblings have dominated the courts as well, so she has large shoes to fill, but it came as no surprise that she was picked as one of the two freshmen who would get to play on the varsity squad this year. “When I started [on varsity], I wasn’t expecting it because I had been playing on JV for an entire year. That’s what I was used to, and then BANG – these girls are sprinting up and down the court,” Elisabeth said of her experience so far.  Her team works like a family, they all rely on one another. She loves this because when they win, they win as a team, and that’s a great feeling. It can be also a disadvantage she said, because when one girl is down, the entire team feels it.

When asked about playing against older girls, she quoted something her dad always said, “Age doesn’t matter on the court if it’s your best against their best.” Elisabeth looks forward to many more years on the team, playing her favorite position, point guard.